![]() Introduction to the hop: Writers write, that's what we do. Find out why and h ow in this new Blog Hop for 2014: Happy Friday! I'd like to thank J.R. Richardson for tagging me last week. I'm so honored and excited to join this blog hop! Be sure to take a look at Jo's writing process. I know I was intrigued, as a huge fan of hers, it was interesting to get a little glimpse into her recipe, so to speak. With this blog hop, I'll be answering the same four questions as prior participants. Here's my gist: 1)What am I working on right now? Right now, I am working on the sparkle and sprinkles part of finishing up my second book in the Jayne Series, Queen of Hearts. For any of you that have read the first book, See Jayne Play, I can tell you that there are a lot more twists coming your way, some new characters (my favorite being Jackson) and of course, lots more Jayne and Flynn. Fighting, loving, learning. I'm really excited about the next book. I'm also working on a couple of unrelated projects, one stand alone novella, that will come out early this summer, called (tentatively) Broken Idols. It's an ugly love story, with heartache and characters you will want to destroy, but isn't love ugly sometimes? I personally love dirty ugly fight with your teeth love, but that's just me. But Jayne, my Queen of Hearts is my priority at the moment. Here's a teaser for Queen of hearts, and introduction to Jackson: Sleep was hard to come by. As the weeks went on, things between Jack and me had fallen into a routine of evading and comfortable avoidance. He hadn’t pushed for me to move in with him again, or even mentioned it for that matter. He just somehow understood that I needed time to figure out my issues. I used that time without him. I dug deep and ticked off all the pros and cons and analyzed my reasons for running off after my dad and Vince died, and came to terms with my decision to stay with him as long as I had. My conclusions weren’t easy to take. I was a coward and a liar. Simple as that. Jack had become my cushion; my tiny dilapidated motel room became the fortress that held my demons on the outside. The small town was a Mecca for all the things I thought I was missing out on and wanted in my life. But it wasn’t. It was as solid of a trap as my previous life had been. I’d fallen into the same pattern, only a different outcome. I’d settled on a dismal job because it was easy, a hole in the wall motel because it was cheap, and a false relationship because it fed my insecurities and my fear of being alone. I still had no idea where I fit in. I still wondered where I belonged, what I wanted. That mask I’d donned for as long as I could remember was still strapped to my skull, embedded into my skin with a grip so tight I thought I’d suffocate. Coming to terms with the cold, hard facts was a blow for sure. I knew I would eventually go back to Vegas. It was inevitable. I wasn’t sure I’d stay, but I had to return and deal with the aftermath of what went down. The death of my family, the deceit from Flynn, my business, and most importantly, to face the ghosts that wouldn’t leave my mind. Doyle Maguire. That man had to pay, one way or another. I could just picture that rat bastard sitting on his throne with a big shit-eating grin on his face, satisfied that he’d taken us down. He had, to an extent. My father withered and died at his hand, he’d chased me off, and taken everything Vince had, including his life. But, he was in for a surprise. I still had some fight in me. The more I pulled back the curtains and looked out the window of my mind, it was coming back. I was stronger than I gave myself credit for, and running off with my tail between my legs had never been my style. I’d slithered away, snuck off with the excuse of starting over, but in reality, I’d never stood my ground the way I should have. It was time to bolster the courage to take the jerk to war. 2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? This is a hard question to answer. First of all, I'm not sure I have A genre. I think my romance is a little grittier, and I am not afraid to make decisions that hurt the characters, physically or emotionally. I also don't hold fast to the Happily Ever After. That makes me a little different writing Romance. 3) Why do I write what I do? I can't help myself. I love writing, always have. I found a niche, figured out I had a little bit of something when it came to romance, and I haven't stopped since. I think writing romance is just fun. Human nature is so extensive, I never run out of ideas. Seriously, my head just swirls with ideas on the daily. So many things inspire my creative process, be it people I know, movies, songs on the radio, I just picture one scene at a time, and POOF. A story is born. 4)How does my writing process work? Ha ha ha. Process. Psh. I'm a hot mess. You can ask my compadres... I'm fucking all over the place. I come up with new ideas every day. I am a write it down first kind of gal, and highly unorganized, so can you imagine my mess? Seriously, I have notebooks FULL of ideas, nothing is in one place. I can not outline. I am one of those crazy writers that actually WRITES my stories out on paper before I even open word. My words flow better this way. I'm just old school that way I guess. So I write, gather my notebooks, and then hole up at the computer and type it all up. And that's all she wrote! I hope you enjoyed getting into my head a little bit. I'll be posting some more information about my new project, as well as teasers and such for Queen of Hearts, so check back soon for more! Have a great weekend! Be sure to check out the writers next week. I've tagged three amazing writers to find out what they have to say about the same questions! These are very talented and creative chicks. Give them some love! ![]() B.L. Wilde is a British author obsessed with many things, including heated love stories. Fully supported by her husband, she can often be found at her desk working on her next project. Her journey into the world of erotica began when she started writing online stories over three years ago, and she hasn't looked back since. http://bee-wilde.blogspot.co.uk/ ![]() Hi, I’m Madi. Hi, I’m Madi. I’m a literary and historical fiction novelist—a genre buster, really. My debut will be in the world of erotica. I’m a lover of vintage, a dreamer and creator, and I burn up the stipulations of this world. Feminist. My debut novella, Hello LAlaland, will be released April 1, 2014. I began writing as a young child, penning anything my mind carried my away to – from poetry to short stories. My first novel was completed at age fourteen, though I’ve never published it. Perhaps someday. Hello LAlaland, a contemporary romance, began as an idea for self-publishing, but when I received word from my dear friend, Christy, about The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House, I decided to take a leap of faith and submit. One week later, I received an offer to publish. I moved back to Colorado from Los Angeles with my husband, Jon, and our three-year-old daughter, but LAlaland is home. Jon is the Director of Music Licensing and Business Affairs for a music publishing company, and helps me with many of the ideas for my books. my sites are: themadimerek.wordpress.com and www.madimerekbooks.wordpress.com ![]() L.J. Anderson is an American author, and child of the eighties living in Alabama with her supportive husband. She is an avid reader of Erotica, Romance, and Dystopian fiction, and enjoys dabbling in graphic design and photography when she isn't peddling smut. Writing was never something she imagined herself doing when she graduated high school in 2002 with the aspirations to become a world class chef. Though L.J. never made it to culinary school, she pushed forward, working various jobs while using her free time to indulge in more creative exploits. She still enjoys cooking, but writing has become her true passion. She is the founder of the indie publishing company Mayhem Erotica which will begin releasing new titles in 2013 - http://www.mayhemerotica.com/ http://ljandersonerotica.wordpress.com/
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