Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.' Today's questions come from Dani Jace. Thanks Dani! 1. What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever done in the name of research for a book?I guess the most unusual thing I've done was while researching for an erotic novel I was working on a while back. I was working on this as part of a forbidden/taboo anthology and since I'm partial to spanking in erotica, I thought what the heck, and decided to focus the novel toward Domestic Discipline. There's a pretty big difference between DD, BDSM, and the all around kink of spanking. I usually like to throw in a little spank kink in my stories, but knew I needed to dig a little deeper into this lifestyle. I found several online communities and joined forums. Needless to say, it was interesting. I learned a lot. I had some long conversations with both individuals and couples involved with this lifestyle. It's a big world out there! 2. Name a nonfiction book you’ve read for research that you wouldn’t have read otherwise. Not including writing craft books.![]() I read the book Pandering by Heidi Fleiss. I actually read about sixteen books, and countless reports/posts/articles about the history of prostitution. I wanted to gear my character--who happens to be a hooker--toward those brave, strong, and powerful women that just so happened to have fallen under that oldest profession. History has a great relationship with women of the night. Courtesans were more revered than most "Ladies" and the Upstairs women of the old west were instrumental in building communities. They served as confidants, nursemaids, midwives, businesswomen, etc. Many were as wealthy as most men. That's quite remarkable for women in that time and I think nowadays, with so much of the power being taken from women, it was important to me to give Jayne power. Her choice, her money, her life. I took a little information about all these women, the Geisha's of Japan, the women of Storyville, the soiled doves of the old west, and the Courtesans of Europe and beyond, and tried to create a character from these women. I have always had a fascination with prostitutes, and I guess from watching the old Westerns with my mom and dad when I was little. I loved those broads in the saloons. They were sassy, fast talking, and they could wear a hell of a dress. Sometimes you just gotta let your boobs hang out a little. 3. If you could travel anywhere to do research for a book, including back in time, where would you go?Definitely the old west. I would love to pick the brains of some of those amazing women that helped build up that part of America. There were so many women, such as Belle Star--a prostitute, outlaw, gambler, and business woman, and Rosa May, a prostitute highly revered in the Gold Rush era. I think I'm mostly intrigued by the whole era. I love me some cowboys--gonna get me one some day--but I really admire the women from those times. The pioneer women were a tough bunch. You'd have to be to wear all that crap, travel in horse drawn carriage for days on end, birth babies in the dirt, and risk your hide just to live a better life. I like the adventurous spirits. I think I'd fit right in! I like shooting stuff, and I like eating beans! What's not to love! Thanks for hanging out again this week!
Be sure to follow the blog and give the other authors some love! Next blog to follow is the amazingly talented J.R.Richardson -
'Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.' This week’s questions come from Rebekah Ganiere Who is your favorite character you've written and why?My favorite character that I've written has to be Cash. He was the Hero in a story I wrote back in 2009 and eventually posted as fanfiction in 2010. I mean, I love all of my characters, but he is by far my own character crush. Cash is the ultimate alpha male. Arrogant, manly, rugged and gruff. But, he has that soft side that only his girl can bring out of him. I am a sucker for the blue collar hero. They're my favorite to write mostly because it's what's familiar to me. I know blue collar. These are my men. Cash is a mechanic, which brings into this character one of my favorite things. Cars. My dad was a mechanic and a race car driver, so my life revolved around greasy shops and drag strips. He pretty much set the bar for me as a little kid. Needless to say, I like boys that smell like grease. He's a complex character, much more than meets the eye, and with a hot tempered heroine to contend with, we see a lot of faces of Cash in the story. I like that about him. He's not typical. He's not just a pretty face and a sexy drawl. I've included a little introduction to Cash below. This is from the original version, from which I am now restructuring and rewriting into a new book I hope to release sometime next year. Excerpt from untitled WIP featuring "Cash"![]() "Now, that's a view." Holy shit. I could feel my stomach vibrate with want as I replayed the sound of his voice in my head. The voice was low and husky, gravely and manly. I had never heard anything like it. It took a moment, but when his words registered in my brain… I felt sick. I realized that I was bent over in my truck, flashing this stranger my bare ass. Scooting myself out of the cab, I turned around quickly and covered my ass with my hands. I pressed myself against the cold steel of my truck and lowered my head, totally embarrassment. I felt the blood drain from my face as I wallowed in my humiliation. I forced myself to look up at him, and the only description for the man I found standing in front of me was heavenly… pure perfection. He stood in front of me with a wry smile, his muscular arms crossed tightly over his chest and his radiant green eyes danced with humor. They were same green eyes that had just been staring at my bare white ass, and I felt like I was going to faint. His stance was confident and sexy as hell. He stood firm, legs shoulder width apart and his back steady and tall. A pair of worn and faded Levi's wrapped around his thighs, and the black t-shirt he wore underneath his work shirt hugged his strong chest snugly. His black work boots were scuffed and worn, and I had never been so turned on by a pair of boots in my entire life. He screamed man… and sex. I slowly worked my eyes back up to his face, suddenly unsure of myself and the feelings this complete stranger was stirring in me. His eyes were still sparkling with mischief, and his mouth should have been illegal. His lips looked firm but plump, and I just wanted to suck one of them into my mouth. His jaw and chin were chiseled and sharp, and the rough scruffy beard made me want to nuzzle my cheek all over it. I watched as he moved closer, and placed his hand on my shoulder. I reacted quickly, flinching away like I was a mental patient. "Mitts off, asshole!" I snapped. I took a few steps backwards and glared up at him. I was suddenly very aware that this beautiful man had been checking out my butt minutes earlier, and he was completely unapologetic. It pissed me off. His lip lifted into a sideways grin as he spoke. "Easy, tiger," he said softly. Do you prefer writing from the Hero or Heroine's POV?I definitley prefer writing in the hero's POV. I find it more interesting to get inside the male's head and write from their perspective. I have a hard time with flowery prose, and I think more like a man. I'm more rational and basic when it comes to the love thing, and let's face it--men think on a very base level, even the best of them. I am, and have been surrounded primarily by men and boys my entire life. They are literally fucking everywhere. I was the tomboy, the chick that would rather be at the street races at midnight rather than getting my goodnight kiss. I can relate to them better in some ways due to my interests and the way I grew up. Men are interesting and complicated. They have this insane instinct to hide their feelings and let it dominate them, which in turn, drives us up the wall crazy as women. I like picking around and sorting that shit out on paper. Most of the time, it doesn't paint a pretty picture for my characters, and yes, they come off as dicks, but in the end, we can't live without them--or at least, my heroines can't. ;) What are three things you can't do without while writing?Thank you for joining us for another week! Be sure to follow the hop and read what other romance writers have to say!
Next on the hop is : Eden Ashe Have a great week! xoxo Jami |