'Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.' This week our questions come from author Debbie (Kate) Robbins 1. How much of yourself do you write into your characters? Or do you write characters completely opposite to you?![]() I'd have to say ... both. I write a lot of flawed characters, which I can relate to myself. I don't think a character has to have a traumatic or horrendous past to be flawed. I don't think a girl has to go through something as terrible as being raped to have intimacy issues, and a man doesn't have to have had his heart broken to have trust issues. Tiny mistakes can create havoc in your life, and all my characters fuck up from time to time, hence, flaws. My gals aren't always sweet. Sometimes they are bitchy, smart-mouthed, deviant, or just plain stupid. I write my heroes with familiarity. I don't know one man in my life that is anywhere near being perfect. Frankly, I'd have to sift really far to find myself a true gentleman out of my stock. Sad, but that's my people. They're gruff and rowdy and foul-mouthed and selfish. But they have a heart of gold, a tenderness that comes out when something, or someone finds their way in there. Maybe a gal, maybe their kids, maybe their dogs. Whatever it is, when they love, they love hard, but it's not usually really sweet and pretty. So I guess that's where a part of me comes through. Familiarity. When I try to write a character that knows the ropes, follows the rules, and treats others with kid gloves, I squick out. It sounds ridiculous, and I red line that crap faster than I can finish a bowl of chips and salsa. (I can murder chips and salsa, just to be clear.) I have a potty mouth. I've made so many mistakes and bad decisions in my life it's not even funny. I have a really bad temper, and very little patience. I'm pretty much the character that makes every one pull their hair out and yell. But I think there's some good qualities about me, too. I hope I instill that into my characters. They may walk out of the house with food in their teeth, mismatched socks, and a string of curse words that could make a pirate blush, but they will stop to help that little old lady that just face-planted off the curb. Like I say... it's all about the heart. However, I do like to write heroines that are kind and centered and sweet, and strong. I like to write characters with a lot of confidence, which I certainly do not have. Those self-assured girls are my favorite to write. I feel powerful giving them big balls. Of course, I find a lot of happiness giving the sweet girls the action they deserve, too. 2. Has your writing helped you see events in your own life clearer?I think it has. When I write, I feel powerful over all the things that have held me back my entire life. No matter what, I am in charge. I can either write, or not write, and it's no one's business. No one gets to dictate what I say, what I write, what I feel. It's really the only thing that is just about me, and I've given it to myself. I love writing so much, and I think since I've been writing seriously, continuously... I sort of see where I let myself down in the past. The best part about that is that I see where I went wrong, and I learned from my mistakes. If it's important, you can make time. If it makes you feel good, it's important. There are some moments I would have done differently in my life, and I think writing gives me this amazing opportunity to put everything to rest in a neat and tidy manner. Life sure as hell isn't like that, and this helps me put that in perspective. Everything happens for a reason and all that jazz. 3. Have you written a character with more of your personal characteristics than any other? What are they?I guess I would have to say Jayne. She's a little bitchy, a lot stubborn, pretty badass, and she'd die for the people she loves--literally. So yeah... I think in that way, we're the same. I only wish I had her ass. Jayne's got a great ass ;) ![]() Thank you so much for stopping by once again! I hope you had fun! Be sure to stop on over to visit with the amazing Nina Mason : http://www.ninamasonromance.blogspot.com See ya next week!! xo Jami
![]() Happy Monday! More importantly, Happy Memorial Day. I hope everyone enjoys spending the day with their loved ones, thinking about and honoring our amazing men and women in the military. I'm a strong patriot. My family has a long history of service men, and I'm so proud that they fought for the rights of all of us. I am spending my day sorting out ideas for the next book, shifting some promotional ideas around for Queen of Hearts, and hopefully, I will get around to actually writing. I let myself off the hook for a week after the release of QOH because let's face it--I was freaking exhausted. My dear and wise friend Erin asked me if I had a book release hangover after the launch, and my answer was a resounding, hell fucking yes. A brain thumping, stomach turning, soul numbing hangover. All the anticipation is overwhelming. All the work, the long hours of sitting in front of the computer, hunched over my tiny notebooks (yes, I write everything by hand first) all the preparation of the cover, the graphics, the teasers, the promos... GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Every step is so important and special in its own way. It's so bittersweet when it's over. The excitement fades, and the second wave of work comes through. So that's where I am now. Let's just get that right out of the way. All of you, the readers, bloggers, reviewers, friends, pre-readers, my editor, all of you are fucking Awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better book release. You have no idea how good it feels to see your book cover pop up on someone's feed, knowing they give a shit enough to share your little book with people. It's pretty rad. In fact, it's more than rad.
More importantly, I have been so stoked to see that QOH was exactly what you were looking for after reading See Jayne Play. I tweaked that mother for a long time, which is why I pushed back the release. I realized that the Happily Ever After was the main objective, and although I had in my head another route, ultimately, this was the way to go. That being said, I also listened to y'all, and I have to be totally honest here, Vince was my favorite, so the next book will be his take on the story. Am I excited? Hell yes! Do I hope you are excited? Indubitably! I have yet to title his little shindig... but it'll come to me. I have some ideas, but I have to admit, titles pretty much suck the very life out of me. And summaries. They are both as fun as getting a pap smear by a crocodile. Painful. Ridiculous. Mythical. So, I won't stress on that just yet... instead, I will keep writing the damn thing until something amazing pops into my little brain. So, yeah. Thanks so much for showing support, for buying and reading my books, and for the wonderful interaction. I will be sure to post updates and information as I progress, and hopefully it won't be long until you get to dig around in Vince's head and heart. Loves and smooches! Stay badass, Loves, J'me |